ENvironnement JEUnesse, represented by the firm Trudel Johnston & Lespérance, filed an application for authorization to bring a class action against the Canadian government today on behalf of Quebeckers aged 35 and under. ENvironnement JEUnesse alleges that the Canadian government is infringing on a generation’s fundamental rights.
It is interfering with young people’s rights because its greenhouse gas reduction target is not ambitious enough to avoid dangerous climate change and because it does not even have a plan that would allow it to reach this already inadequate target. If the government continues in this direction, people under 35 will suffer the severe consequences of climate change, thus depriving them of their rights to life and security of the person, to equality, and to an environment in which biodiversity is preserved.
The application was filed with the Superior Court of Québec. Trudel Johnston & Lesperance acts on a pro bono basis.
To view the class action page, clik here.
The press kit is available at www.enjeu.qc.ca/justice.